Tips for Business Travel in The Philippines

The Philippines is one of the largest countries in Asia, which is increasingly becoming a huge business ally to companies in the U.S. Much like the United States, The Philippines is influenced by many different cultures. While it sits in the heart of South Asia, it has been influenced by Mexico, the U.S., and Spain.…read more

Tips for Business Travel in Russia

Despite the current global political climate, many more companies across the world are conducting business with Russia. Over time, Russia has become increasingly westernized, but this doesn’t mean that there aren’t cultural differences that U.S. citizens should keep in mind when meeting with their Russian colleagues. Cultural issues can make the difference between a successful…read more

Tips for Business Travel in Germany

Are you headed to Germany soon for business? Lucky you! Germany is a beautiful country with great food and beer! That being said, it is a very different culture from the United States, and particularly when you are conducting business there, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the social norms of the country. That’s why…read more

A Guide to Traveling Alone on Business

When you are traveling for business, sometimes you may be with colleagues, but often times, you will be alone. Traveling alone is a thrilling experience. You get to do what you want, when you want, and go with the flow instead of adapting someone else’s needs and desires. However, it can also be stressful, especially…read more

Tips for Staying Productive While Traveling Abroad

Do you need to travel internationally for work? Whether this is your first overseas business trip or you have thousands of frequent flyer miles, international business travel can be rewarding in a number of ways. After all, you are able to explore a foreign place, learn about a different culture, and have many unique, new…read more

Ways to Stay in Touch During Deployment

When your spouse is about to be deployed, it’s normal to feel a whole range of emotions. You may feel anxious for their safety, sad about their departure, and worried about how you will stay close. Being thousands of miles away from someone makes it difficult to keep in contact, and the more time that…read more

Tips for Planning Your Next Business Trip

So you’re about to hit the road once again for your next business trip. This is exciting, but you may also feel anxious about it. As enjoyable as traveling for work often is, it can also be quite stressful, especially in the planning stages. There are a lot of different factors to consider, and one…read more

International Business Etiquette Tips

Going on international business trips is a thrill that keeps you striving for similar opportunities for years to come. That being said, as fun as these trips are, it’s extremely important to take the etiquette behind these events seriously. The nuances of international business etiquette can be confusing for many, but it is worth the…read more

Top Safety Tips for the International Business Traveler

Traveling internationally for work has its perks. After all, you get to visit and explore places you may have otherwise never had the opportunity to see, learn about different cultures, and taste the cuisine from a wide variety of places. That being said, like anything, it has its downsides as well. One of them is…read more

What to Do Pre-Deployment as a Military Spouse

As a military spouse, you know how unpredictable life is better than anyone. When you get the call that your partner is being deployed, there is a tidal wave of emotion: fear, anxiety, sadness, just to name a few. Not only are you facing an extended separation from the one that you love, you know…read more