Staying Healthy During Your International Business Trip

Travel comes with many joys, but unfortunately, it also comes with stressors. When you are constantly on the go, it can be difficult to stay healthy. Fortunately, if you are proactive, you don’t have to spend weeks recovering from your international business trip. Here are some tips for staying healthy while traveling overseas for work.…read more

Tips for Surviving an International Flight

International flights can be exhausting. It might seem counterintuitive — how could you be so tired when all you did was sit for 12 hours? However, anyone who has been on an international flight knows that more often than not, you leave that flight feeling groggy, gross, and braindead. While long flights are unavoidable when…read more

Essential Tips for Traveling to a Country for the First Time

One of the most exciting aspects of traveling internationally for business is the opportunity to explore new places. Immersing yourself in another culture, exploring the landscape and architecture of a foreign land, and getting to know people you would never have met otherwise are all incredible experiences that go hand-in-hand with business travel. This benefits…read more

Cybersecurity Tips for the International Traveler

When you are traveling internationally for business, you have a lot of things on your mind. Unfortunately, this means that you are left vulnerable to hackers and scammers. In fact, these criminals specifically prey on travelers and tourists because they know that most people are not thinking about their cybersecurity when they have so many…read more

What to Pack For Your Military Tour of Duty, Pt 2

  Welcome back to our blog series on the vital items to pack for your military tour of duty! Here at Sapphire International Wireless Hotspot, we believe in your need to connect with the world around you. People are social creatures; we were never meant to do life alone. Connecting is our specialty at specialty…read more

What to Pack For Your Military Tour of Duty

Welcome back to our blog page here at Sapphire International Mobile Hotspot! No matter your reason for wanting portable WiFi while you’re traveling internationally, the ability to stay connected to the people you love through reliable internet is a must. The necessity to maintain your online obligations while you’re traveling is something that is also…read more

Important Tips When Traveling To Denmark For Business: Part IV

Traveling internationally for business is an exciting experience. Your business is considered global as soon as it expands beyond the borders of your country. As you travel, you’ll want to stay connected to the internet; it’s where most business communication for international engagements takes place, anyway. So how do you do this and stay efficient…read more

The Biggest International Travel Mistakes, Pt 2

Welcome back to our Sapphire blog page! We’ve had so much fun writing all about international travel and the need for WiFi even when you’re in a foreign country. When you’re used to easy-access WiFi that is free or inexpensive, traveling to a place that has a much higher demand for WiFi or has WiFi…read more

The Biggest International Travel Mistakes, Pt 1

Here at Sapphire International Mobile Hotspot, we’re always staying busy keeping people connected to our outstanding internet. Our job is so much more than providing people with international WiFi; we’re about keeping families connected during stressful times apart, keeping people updated with the most current news, weather, and sports, and allowing our users to experience…read more

Important Tips When Traveling To Denmark For Business: Part III

Global connection through the internet is ever-evolving and growing. Business is expanding beyond borders and across oceans. Professional and personal relationships are fostered online and grown through connectivity and availability. If you’re an international business person, it’s imperative you stay connected to your headquarters and those you’re meeting with around the globe. At Sapphire, we…read more