What To Look For In Deployment-Ready Tech

One major component of preparing for a deployment is getting tech that is ready to travel. But, as you well know, a deployment is no relaxing, business-class style trip — which means you can’t exactly rely on the same technology that you’d take with you on vacation. While you’re on the hunt for deployment-ready electronics, keep these things in mind to find the right tech to last through your time away:



Your tech is going to get battered around, no matter how hard you try to treat it gently. With that in mind, always have a thought toward durability when choosing new tech. Look for laptops and tablets that are a bit more robust, or invest in a protective case. If you’re taking your smartphone with you, it will probably be worth it to add some kind of glass protection for drops.

If you’re heading somewhere with high temperatures, also keep in mind that heat can damage electronics. You can find a protective pouch for most electronics that helps ward off damage from high temperatures when your device isn’t in use.


Noise-Cancelling Effects

Whether it’s planes, trains, or automobiles, you’ll be around some loud situations — and that’s not even accounting for a bunkmate who snores loud enough to rattle the walls. A good pair of noise-cancelling headphones or earbuds will go a long way toward making your free time and travel time more enjoyable. While most options these days are wireless, don’t forget that you’ll need to charge them. Bluetooth connectivity will make life a lot easier, but make sure you’ve got a way to juice them up or you’ll just be hauling around a small paperweight.


Longer Battery Life

And speaking of charging things… Odds are good your opportunities to charge your tech will be intermittent at best. When you’re looking at laptops, tablets, and/or smartphones to take with you on a deployment, focus on options that offer a longer battery life. Also consider grabbing an e-reader in addition to your other tech. E-readers usually have a much longer battery life, and you can have one device charging while you use the other. Finally, grab a couple of power banks that you can use when you need extra power.  


Large Internal Storage

If you want to watch your favorite TV shows or movies, a tablet or laptop will be the best option — this isn’t the 90s, so you don’t have to carry around that heavy CD/DVD binder full of entertainment. The bigger the internal storage, the more you can download when you have a good internet connection.


Internet Connectivity

The great news about the internet is that it helps us stay connected with family and friends back home, and it also makes it easier to stave off the boredom in those hours/days of “hurry up and wait.” Make sure you have a good way to stay connected throughout your deployment with a Sapphire military WiFi device. Our travel hotspot provides WiFi for deployed soldiers no matter where you’re sent. Grab two so you can provide continuous connectivity to your devices and pay local prices. Learn more and grab your Sapphire military WiFI device online today.