Important Tips When Traveling To Denmark For Business: Part III

Global connection through the internet is ever-evolving and growing. Business is expanding beyond borders and across oceans. Professional and personal relationships are fostered online and grown through connectivity and availability. If you’re an international business person, it’s imperative you stay connected to your headquarters and those you’re meeting with around the globe. At Sapphire, we want your international business engagements to be wildly successful, and we can help with our wireless internet hotspot device; it’s all about staying connected.

In part two of this blog series, we shared cultural expectations when communicating and meeting with Danish business persons. In this post, we’ll share how to arrange a meeting, business greetings, and the importance the Danes place on language throughout their culture.

Arranging business meetings in Denmark

It’s expected of you to arrange your meeting with a Danish colleague at least two weeks in advance through their secretary, who keeps a diary of the colleague’s schedule and events. When attempting to schedule a meeting, avoid July and August since these months carry many holidays in Danish culture.

For the most part (unless the situation presents itself), you will want to schedule meetings after lunch and before four p.m. The Danes place a huge importance on their meal and leisure times, and unless you’re invited to do so, do not attempt to schedule a meeting during these times. The weekends and national holidays are also off limits for meetings. A general rule is to aim between noon and two p.m. for business meetings.

Business greetings in Denmark

It’s important to understand the simple yet important greetings that are expected in Danish business culture. For men, women, and children, a firm handshake is accepted. The handshake is expected at the beginning and end of any meeting like bookends on a shelf. Eye contact should be kept during the handshake, and the gesture should be short. Unlike other cultures around the world, men do not stand when women enter or exit a room, a testament to Danish equality.

The Danes are highly aware of personal space, and, unless engaged first, it’s best to stand a little further away from your Dane colleague.

Finally, the Danes tend to use first names quickly; however, allow them to invite you to use their first names, since they place a high importance on personable business relations as a sign of trust and respect. Use professional titles where applicable, and once the Danish colleague invites you to use their first name, do so.

Language matters in Denmark

Danish is the official language of the country. Across Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, the Nordic languages are understood and spoken by all. In Denmark, English is taught throughout their education as a mandatory requirement. In many of the large corporations, English is used.

If you’re looking to break the ice with Danes, here are some easy phrases you can learn to show your respect and engage in conversation:

  • Hello – Goddag / Hej
  • Goodbye – Farvel
  • Yes – Ja
  • No – Nej
  • Thank you – Tak
  • What’s your name – Hvad hedder du?
  • My name is Susan – Jeg hedder Susan
  • I don’t speak Danish – Jeg taler ikke dansk
  • Men – Herrer
  • Women – Damer
  • City center – centrum

If you’re looking for a way to translate more of the language or hear how it’s pronounced, you can search for a translator online or find an app to suit your needs with your wireless internet hotspot device.



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As you travel the globe for business, keep in mind how often you’re not connected to the internet. Our world economy is demanding more often that we stay connected. At Sapphire, we intend to help you stay connected with our wireless internet hotspot device. You can connect to the internet in more than 100 countries, choose the rate that works best for you, and continue doing business from nearly anywhere.

Want to learn more about business etiquette in Denmark? Read part four of this blog series!